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Ankie's House

Changing Course for Life by Julian Rose

Changing Course for Life by Julian Rose

Regular price £10.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £10.00 GBP
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Changing Course for Life by Julian Rose.

We have to ‘change course’ for the sake of our own lives and the ‘greater life’ which is our environment, our planet and our humanity. Changing Course is the single most crucial issue of our time, beacause our lives – and the life of our planet – are increasingly coming under the control of a regulatory system that is squeezing the life blood out of our joy of living, and is pushing us towards the cliffs of despair rather than the green pastures of our deeper aspirations.

The system of governance which we are accustomed to has outlived its usefulness and is no longer able to meet the needs of our time. It is simply too inflexible and too dominated by a corporate global agenda whose sole aim is profit. Rather than suffocate under the dead weight of its inertia, we have a great opportunity to rebuild a new society on the fresh ground of ‘decentralised’, local initiatives that spark a new people led, ‘bottom up’ renaissance of hope and fulfillment. “Changing Course for Life” was written to guide and provoke meaningful actions that help inspire us to ‘take control of our lives’ and become willing catalysts of community renewal, local empowerment and creative governance.

Our society is bankrupt: Physically, emotionally and spiritually. But we, as individuals, are still blessed with the spark of life and hope. So we must invest this ‘spark energy’ into something that will outlast the crumbling status quo. Its like deciding to take your money out of the big, brash, impersonal corporate bank and putting it into a socially and ecologically benign neighbourhood co-operative – then getting involved yourself in helping the co-operative to succeed.

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